Vitiligo Treatment at Welling Homeopathy Clinics can help you halt the progress & cure vitiligo permanently especially if consulted early. The specially formulated treatment process for vitiligo has been developed after exhaustive in-house research and works equally well in children and young adults.
See our specialists at any Welling Clinic in India or order online instantly from the link above.
The best homeopathy doctors for vitiligo have been hand-picked and trained at Homeopathy Clinics. The vitiligo specialists have helped more than 9500 women and men globally overcome embarrassment due to vitiligo. You too can benefit from our expertise in the treatment of Vitiligo.
Why Homeopathy Medicines Are Best for Vitiligo Treatment?
- Our custom-made Homeopathy medicines formula for Vitiligo has helped 18,230 patients,
- Our HeyPills Homeopathy treatment for Vitiligo has cured the most widespread vitiligo,
- The treatment is non-steroidal, with no creams, no oils and no standing in sun. Just natural Homeopathy medicines custom-made for you for faster recovery and complete cure,
- Usually, we see treatment results within 12-18 months, complete treatment may need more time,
- The fastest and the safest way to permanently halt new spots and reverse skin discoloration due to Vitiligo.
Call +91 9999064336 to book an appointment or to consult and order online. Consult our specialists today for a detailed evaluation and to start your customized homeopathic medicine for Vitiligo.
What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease in which the skin loses melanin, the pigment that determines the colour of the skin, hair and eyes.
Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin die or no longer form melanin, causing white patches of irregular shapes to appear on your skin.
Vitiligo affects all races but may be more noticeable in people with darker skin.
A patch of Vitiligo begins as a localized area of hypo-pigmentation that becomes chalky white after a variable period.
Causes of Vitiligo
Vitiligo occurs when melanin-forming cells fail to produce melanin pigment.
Doctors and scientists have different theories :
- It may be due to immune system disorder in which person’s immune system reacts against the body’s own organs or tissues.
- Heredity may be a factor.
- Some people have reported a single event, such as sunburn or emotional distress, that triggered the condition.
- Sometimes pigment loss can occur in someone who has had a melanoma.
- Vitiligo is more common in people with certain autoimmune conditions such as Hyperthyroidism, Alopecia areata, Pernicious anemia.
Symptoms of Vitiligo
- Pigment loss produces milky white patches on skin.
- Premature whitening of the hair on scalp, eyelashes. eyebrows, beard.
- Loss of the colour of the tissue that lines the inside of the mouth.
- Loss of colour of the inner layer of the eyes.
- Depigmentation firstly appear on the sun exposed areas of skin such as hands,feet,arms ,face and lips.Genitalia may also affected.
- A few people say that the skin affected by vitiligo itches or feels painful.
Types of Vitiligo
To easier explain this condition, scientists have separated vitiligo in basically two types which are called: non-segmental, and segmental vitiligo.
Non-Segmental Vitiligo
It is the most common type of vitiligo and occurs in up to 90% of the people who have this disorder.
In non-segmental vitiligo, the patches often become visible equally on both sides of the body, with some kind of symmetry. These unusual symmetrical patches most commonly appear on skin that is exposed daily to the sun, such as the face, neck, and hands, but it also appears on these other areas:
- backs of the hands
- arms
- eyes
- knees
- elbows
- feet
- mouth
Non-segmental vitiligo has sub-categories:
- Generalized Vitiligo: the most familiar pattern, it has no specific area or size when the white patches start occurring
- Acrofacial Vitiligo: This type of vitiligo is considered only when the appearance is mostly on the fingers or toes
- Mucosal Vitiligo: The appearance of the depigmentation generally around the mucous membranes and lips
- Universal Vitiligo: It is very rare since depigmentation has to cover most of the body
- Focal Vitiligo: one or a few scattered white patches in small certain areas. It is often noticeable in young children
Segmental Vitiligo
Segmental Vitiligo has a different form of appearance. This condition spreads more rapidly but is considered more constant and stable than non-segmental. It is definitively much less common, and it affects only about 10% of people with this condition. But unpredictably, segmental vitiligo is more noticeable in the early ages affecting about 30% of the children that have been diagnosed with vitiligo.
It is non-symmetrical and usually tends to affect the dorsal roots of the spine. It is more stable, less erratic, and responds well to topical treatments.
Vitiligo on Eyelids
Vitiligo is a disorder characterized by the loss of skin coloration. Vitiligo on eyelids, or periocular vitiliginous lesion, can be caused by UV exposure and rheumatic fever. This condition is more common in females than males. The form that affects eyelid skin shares features with all forms of vitiligo, including the spontaneous loss of pigment cells from the surface layer of skin and hair.
An individual who has lost color in their body may also have areas where they have lost pigment on their eyelids.
Diagnosis of Vitiligo
Medical history:-
- A family history of vitiligo or an autoimmune disease
- A personal history of sun sensitivity of other skin conditions.
- A rash, sunburn or other skin trauma within 2-3 months of start of pigment loss
- A history of melanoma
- Premature graying of hair(before 35)
- Stress or physical illness
Woods lamp test-
- In which UV light shines onto the skin to determine whether you have vitiligo or other skin conditions.
Skin biopsy and blood draw-
- A small sample of your skin is taken for biopsy
- Draw blood to check your blood cell count, thyroid function and to look for the presence of anti-nuclear antibodies (a type of autoantibody) that would indicate an autoimmune disease.
Vitiligo is Hereditary?
A study conducted in 2006, examined the genetic sequences of 42 people who had vitiligo and their immediate family members. The study found that about 2% of modern-day Europeans are carriers of the genetic mutation that causes vitiligo, which is roughly the same ratio as those who have albinism.
The conclusion drawn from this research was that vitiligo is not an infectious disease, but rather a hereditary condition – meaning that it’s passed down genetically from one generation to another.
If you have close family members having vitiligo, we would suggest starting our vitiligo treatment to prevent vitiligo.
Vitiligo vs Tinea Versicolor
Write an article about how vitiligo is a disorder characterized by the loss of skin coloration while tinea versicolor is a fungal infection that causes scaling and discoloration. Tinea versicolor usually spreads in warm, humid climates and can cause patches of white or light-colored spots on the neck, face, chest, arms, and hands. It’s often mistaken for vitiligo because it leaves behind similar skin pigmentation defects but in reality, they are two entirely different conditions!
If you have confusion if it’s vitiligo or tinea versicolor, meet our specialist or consult online.
Treatment For Vitiligo
Four options are currently available for the treatment of vitiligo: sunscreens; cover-up; restoration of normal skin color; and bleaching of normal skin with topical creams to remove normal skin pigment to make an even color.
The two goals of sunscreen treatments are: to protect unpigmented involved skin from sunburn reaction and to limit the tanning of normal pigmented skin. The sun protection factor (SPF) of sunscreens should be no less than SPF 30, as this grade blocks not only erythema, but also the affects of sunlight on the DNA of the skin cells. Sunscreen treatment skin phototypes 1, 2, and sometimes 3 (those who burn, then tan to some degree).
The goal of cover-up with dyes or make-up is to hide the white macules so that the vitiligo is less visible. Self-tanning lotions and camouflage are quite helpful for some patients.
Restoring Normal Skin Color
Restoration of normal skin color can take the form of spot treatments or whole body treatment.
Spot Treatment: Topical Corticosteroid Creams
Initial treatment with certain topical corticosteroid creams is practical, simple, and safe. If there is no response in 2 months, it is unlikely to be effective. Physician monitoring every 2 months for signs of early steroid atrophy (thinning of the skin) is required.
Spot Treatment: Topical Oxsoralen
Much more complicated is the use of topical Oxsoralen (8-MOP). Oxsoralen is highly phototoxic (likely to cause a sunburn), and the phototoxicity lasts for 3 days or more. This should be performed only as an office procedure, only for small spots, and only by experienced physicians on well-informed patients. As with oral psoralens, 15 or more treatments may be required to initiate a response, and 100 or more to finish.
Spot Treatment: Mini Grafting
Mini grafting, which involves transplanting the patient’s normal skin to vitiligo-affected areas, may be a useful technique for refractory segmental vitiligo macules. PUVA may be required following the procedure to unify the color between the graft sites. The demonstrated occurrence of Koebnerization in donor sites in generalized vitiligo restricts this procedure to patients who have limited skin areas at risk for vitiligo. “Pebbling” of grafted site may occur.
Other treatments include:
- Psoralen photo-chemotherapy
- Depigmentation therapy
- Surgical therapy-Autologous skin grafts, Micropigmentation(tattooing), Autologous melanocyte transplant
Homeopathic Treatment For Vitiligo
Homeopathic medicines for Vitiligo acts on your dis-coloured patches stopping the melanin destruction, which is happening due to your own immune system fighting against it. Homeopathic medicines act at the level of immune cells to stop further destruction and reverse the damage as far as possible.
Welling Homeopathy treatment for vitiligo is a tried and tested protocol to offer long-term relief and permanent cure gradually.
The Homeopathic medicines for vitiligo have to be specific to every individual person. That is the reason a detailed history is required to customize the treatment for vitiligo. The Homeopathic treatment for vitiligo is chalked out after a detailed analysis and review of your past treatments for vitiligo and the medicines for vitiligo taken by you.
Is Vitiligo Curable in Homeopathy?
“Yes, Vitiligo is Curable” – Vitiligo Specialist of India
Vitiligo is completely curable and you get faster treatment results if started early. Every delay simply delays the treatment outcome and makes it difficult for us to offer a complete cure and reversal of patches. Read More Here: Is Vitiligo Curable in Homeopathy?
Which Treatment is Best for Vitiligo?
Welling Homeopathic medicine formula for Vitiligo is the best treatment to cure vitiligo because it works fast, reverses 100% of the patches, stops new patches, and prevents recurrences completely. According to us and our experience of over 20 years, we have seen our Homeopathic formula for vitiligo is the best treatment for vitiligo in every age group.