Treatment of Dermatomyositis with custom-made homeopathy medicines can help you get cured of Dermatomyositis. The treatment at Welling Homeopathy involves a specially developed treatment protocol that includes tailor-made homeopathic medicines for completely painless treatment of Dermatomyositis.

Why Welling Homeopathy Medicines for Dermatomyositis?

  • Custom-made Homeopathy medicines for Dermatomyositis are proven to work in our patients from 108 countries,
  •   81-Year-Old Legacy of Welling family in practicing Homeopathy
  • The homeopathy treatment for Dermatomyositis can help you stop all major symptoms of Dermatomyositis including pain, dermatomyositis rash, and joint ache.
  • Once the treatment of Dermatomyositis is complete, the symptoms rarely return,
  • You get faster relief due to our newly developed Homeopathy treatment process at Welling Research Labs.

Call +91 9999064336 to book an appointment or to consult and order online. Consult our specialists today for a detailed evaluation and to start your customized Homeopathy medicines for Dermatomyositis.

Homeopathy treatment of dermatomyositis

What is Dermatomyositis?

Dermatomyositis is a rare auto-immune disease that affects the skin, muscles, and joints

It can also affect other organs, such as the heart or lungs. Dermatomyositis causes inflammation of the skin and muscles which leads to large areas of redness and swelling on your body

The condition usually gets worse over time if it is not treated properly. There are two types of dermatomyositis: acute onset with fever; or subacute onset without fever. If you have any symptoms of this disease please consult your doctor immediately!

Causes of Dermatomyositis

  • Age- occurs in age begins at age of 50 yrs
  • Genetics—HLA TYPES (DR3,DR5, DR7)
  • Immunological— (Circulating autoantibodies and T cell inactivity)
  • Infections—–viruses like parvovirus, human T cell lymphotrophic, borelia species )
  • Environmental factors
  • Drugs —-(pencilliamine, quinidine, interferon, BCG vaccine)
  • High blood levels (CPK) which further leads to inflammation of skeletal muscles
  • Paraneoplastic phenomenon indicating presence of cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases – sjogrens syndrome, lupus, scleroderma or vasculitis.

Signs and Symptoms of Dermatomyositis

  • Eruptions are predominate on photo exposed surfaces
  • Erythema of midface and eruptions on dorsal hands , nail folds , upper outer thighs
  • Scaly scalp and hair loss
  • Contraction of joints
  • Muscle weakness — while climbing stairs, walking, movements of shoulders
  • General systemic disturbances—- fever, malaise, weight loss
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers and infections
  • Children’s may develop tiptoe gait
  • Malignancy in adults

Examinations of creatinine kinase, ECG,colonscopy, barium swallow, antinuclear antibody tests, MRI of muscles, muscle biopy can be carried out to detect disease.

What is Dermatomyositis Polymyositis?

Dermatomyositis is a form of an autoimmune disease that affects the skin. Polymyositis is also an autoimmune disease that targets the muscles.The two are closely related and have similar symptoms, but dermatomyositis is the less severe form of polymyositis.

Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis are rheumatic autoimmune diseases affecting women more often than men. The cause is unknown although certain medications as well as other factors can trigger attacks in patients who have the susceptibility. The most common symptoms include redness and irritation in the skin, muscle weakness, muscle stiffness or pain, especially when doing exercise have been observed by doctors to be present in individuals who have this condition.

It is important to treat dermatomyositis and polymyositis as soon as possible because if left untreated like most autoimmune diseases it can become life-threatening

Causes of Dermatomyositis Polymyositis

The cause for dermatomyositis and polymyositis is unknown although certain medications (like those containing gold or penicillin) along with other factors can trigger attacks in patients who are susceptible. There may be a link between vitamin D deficiency and the onset of Dermatomyositis.

What is Juvenile Dermatomyositis?

Juvenile dermatomyositis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects collagen and muscle. Juvenile dermatomyositis typically occurs in children and adolescents, but it can also affect adults.

Juvenile dermatomyositis causes muscle weakness, which can lead to fatigue, loss of motor skills, and difficulty performing daily activities. It can also cause swelling over the upper legs, hips, shoulders, or other parts of the body. This is often due to muscles getting too big for their blood supply. The affected person may also experience pain or numbness in the arms and legs.

Juvenile dermatomyositis is a rare disorder, but it can have a major impact on the life of an affected person. The disease affects about 1 in 2,000 people per year. Juvenile dermatomyositis is most common among children ages five to 14 years old. However, some cases have been reported in adults older than 20 years old.

The cause of juvenile dermatomyositis is unknown, so there are no specific risk factors for developing this condition.

Dermatomyositis vs Polymyositis

The two diseases, dermatomyositis and polymyositis, have a lot in common. They both cause muscle weakness and stiffness in the hands and feet. However, they differ in how they affect the skin and muscles. Polymyositis also causes aches in the shoulders and hips with fever. Whereas dermatomyositis typically affects only the skin, polymyositis can cause inflammation of internal organs as well as skin. Dermatomyositis may be treated with steroids, while polymyositis may require hospitalization for intravenous immunoglobulin therapy (IVIG).

What is Dermatomyositis Amyopathic?

Dermatomyositis amyopathic is a variant of dermatomyositis that affects the skin and not the muscles. This type of dermatomyositis may be caused by drugs or diseases that affect the immune system, like lupus erythematosus. It is characterized by a chronic plaque-like cutaneous eruption, non-specific mucocutaneous features, and variable muscle involvement.

Who Gets Dermatomyositis Amyopathic?

Dermatomyositis amyopathic is common in the middle-aged or elderly. It affects women more than men. There is no known racial predisposition to this disease. There is no definite cause of dermatomyositis, but the immune system seems to be involved in its development. The tendency may also be inherited with genes passed from parent to child through generations. It can occur at any age including childhood although it is rare then.

The skin symptoms usually appear first on the extensor surfaces of elbows, knees and other joints as well as along the scalp and hairline. This condition is sometimes associated with muscle weakness and the skin rash typically follows the muscle weakness.

Complications of Dermatomyositis

  • Difficulty in swallowing— due to contraction of oesophageal muscles
  • Aspiration pneumonia —- when food liquids or saliva aspirate into lungs leading to pneumonia
  • Breathing problems —– shortness of breath
  • Calcium deposits —– leading to calcinosis
  • Raynauds phenomenon— skin turns pale when exposed to cold temperature
  • Lung diseases
  • Cancer

Allopathy treatment of Dermatomyositis

  • Corticosteroids (prednisone)—- for muscles involvement.
  • Immunosuppressive agents—azathioprine, mofetil, methotrezate.
  • Antimalarial agents—- choloroquinine, hydroxychloroquinine.
  • Surgical excision of calcinotic lesion within muscles.
  • Sunscreen and protective clothing.

Homoeopathy Treatment of Dermatomyositis

It helps in regulating the immune system because of which antibodies production is limited which leads to reduction of inflammation within muscles.

It also helps in controlling the progression of disease.

It also helps in improving the quality of life of an individual by reducing pain, fatigue and immobility of muscles.

Homeopathy Medicines for Dermatomyositis

In the last 20 years, the most common Homeopathy medicines for Dermatomyositis, as prescribed by our Homeopathy specialist are Bryonia, Arnica, Rhus-tox, Plumbum Metallicum, Thuja. These Homeopathy remedies are prescribed by our specialists based on your individual details of Dermatomyositis.